We have been lucky enough to have dozens of cats come through our home on their way to forever homes. Each one touches our heart in some way and we love and miss them all, even if the forever home ends up someone’s barn or back as a member of the feral colony.



This is one of four kittens found near the ceramics facility. We think these kittens are slightly older than when we usually find them but it turns out to not be an issue because they’re all total snuggle bugs and are well socialized. Despite their size indicating they’re older, these kittens act a bit young so it’s possible that they’re Maine Coons and are actually 2-3 weeks younger than their weight would imply. Either way, all of these kittens are loving and people-focused. They’re quick to curl up with you on the couch or with their litter mates.


This is one of four kittens found near the ceramics facility. We think these kittens are slightly older than when we usually find them but it turns out to not be an issue because they’re all total snuggle bugs and are well socialized. Despite their size indicating they’re older, these kittens act a bit young so it’s possible that they’re Maine Coons and are actually 2-3 weeks younger than their weight would imply. Either way, all of these kittens are loving and people-focused. They’re quick to curl up with you on the couch or with their litter mates.


This is one of four kittens found near the ceramics facility. We think these kittens are slightly older than when we usually find them but it turns out to not be an issue because they’re all total snuggle bugs and are well socialized. Despite their size indicating they’re older, these kittens act a bit young so it’s possible that they’re Maine Coons and are actually 2-3 weeks younger than their weight would imply. Either way, all of these kittens are loving and people-focused. They’re quick to curl up with you on the couch or with their litter mates.


This is one of four kittens found near the ceramics facility. We think these kittens are slightly older than when we usually find them but it turns out to not be an issue because they’re all total snuggle bugs and are well socialized. Despite their size indicating they’re older, these kittens act a bit young so it’s possible that they’re Maine Coons and are actually 2-3 weeks younger than their weight would imply. Either way, all of these kittens are loving and people-focused. They’re quick to curl up with you on the couch or with their litter mates.


Chonkers is the biggest of the auto shop kittens rescued in early September 2024. Since then, they’ve blossomed into the biggest of their litter and also the most independent. Very people-focused and always welcoming of affection, they tend to get annoyed if you take them away from play time… cuddles can wait!

Tater Tot

Tater Tot is the most curious of the auto shop kittens and is sure to steal your heart! They are extremely people-focused and love nothing more than cuddling up with their favorite humans. With their big, beautiful eyes and soft, fluffy fur, this kitten is an absolute delight. As soon as you pick them up, they’ll start purring contentedly, happy to soak up all the attention.


Dusk is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with their siblings at only ten days old. One of their siblings is also a little black kitten and we know one of the two is a boy but since they look so much alike we’re not sure which one! Dusk is the smaller of the two black siblings but that doesn’t stop them from going full-tilt when it’s playtime. Dusk is particularly fond of Persephone and is often seen snuggled in for a nice with their sister.


Felix is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with his siblings at only ten days old. He is one of the two siamese boys and is very outgoing. He loves to wrestle and is always eager to explore but also loves settling down for a good nap when the playing is done.


Gio is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with his siblings at only ten days old. He is one of the two siamese boys and like his brother is quite the adventurer. He was the first of the litter to venture out from the birthing bed and since then hasn’t stopped exploring! Like all of this litter, he’s also quite the attention bug and is always eager for some cuddles.


Inky is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with their siblings at only ten days old. One of their siblings is also a little black kitten and we know one of the two is a boy but since they look so much alike we’re not sure which one! Rambunctious and a talented climber, Inky takes playtime very seriously. They are very drawn to people and will stand there demanding some affection and the love to be carried around.


Itty-Bitty was the most outgoing of the auto shop kittens but also the runt. It’s important to share his story so everyone knows how much he was loved, but please be warned that it’s not a happy ending.


Persephone is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with her siblings at only ten days old. She is the runt of the litter and an absolute sweetheart. A little shier than her bold siblings but still eager to play and very eager for human attention, Persephone is an absolute sweetheart and will be a perfect pet!


Roxy is one of the auto shop kittens found in early September 2024. They were found with three litter mates right as they were emerging from their den and starting to explore the bigger world. Luckily we also caught their mom and were able to get her spayed and rereleased. Roxy is the lightest colored of their siblings, sporting a grayish coat and more white than the others. They are incredibly people-focused and always meowing at us to come cuddle them. As soon as you pick them up they start purring and love being carried around.


Gretel came in with their litter mate Hazel. They showed up on campus suddenly and the volunteers who feed the cats notified us that people were playing with them. Because they are so comfortable with humans we think they were raised off-campus but their markings are characteristic of the tabbies in the colony. Our best guess is that they were picked up very young, raised in someone’s home, and then dumped back on campus.


Hazel came in with their litter mate Gretel. They showed up on campus suddenly and the volunteers who feed the cats notified us that people were playing with them. Because they are so comfortable with humans we think they were raised off-campus but their markings are characteristic of the tabbies in the colony. Our best guess is that they were picked up very young, raised in someone’s home, and then dumped back on campus.

Spider Lily

Spider Lily was rescued from a small trailer park that was going to be demolished. He was found with his 3 siblings (two tabbies and one gray) and his mother (small, sweet, and all black) at approximately 8 weeks old. We have his mother with us now (she has been tested, vaccinated, and spayed - she’s also looking for a loving home).


Espresso arrived with their two siblings (Tuna and Firefly) and their momma. Espresso is full of energy and eager to play now that they have a full belly and some good rest.


Firefly arrived with their two siblings (Tuna and Espresso) and their momma. A little shy at first but they warmed up quickly and have been very eager to have some comfort and constant food supply.


Tuna arrived with their two siblings (Firefly and Espresso) and their momma. Eager to stand out from their twin siblings, Tuna woke up ready to play after a hearty breakfast. The dogs interest them and they love sniffing them as they walk past the crate.


Flame was found entirely by themself with no sign of momma or litter mates. Its been some of the hottest days of the year so we fear the worst, but this spunky little one is quite the survivor! Surprisingly mobile for their age/size and entirely comfortable with humans, cats, and dogs alike, this little one has a real independent streak. Flame was almost immediately adopted by (Cheeto and they have become fast friends.
barn cat

Cheeto Poof

The last of this group, Cheeto Poof was also the least ready for humans. Hissing and spitting in the trap it took a while for them to realize they were actually safe. Like all of the others in this batch, they were skin and bones and have needed lots of hearty food and love to come out of their shell. Since then, Cheeto has warmed up so much and has adopted a new friend in (Flame). They’re much better with people now and love being with other cats.


Batman is the biggest of the cats to come from the maintenance area where positive human interactions were scarce. They take their responsibility as protector very seriously, even sharing a trap with their little buddy Robin. It was Batman’s distinctive markings that caused us to keep up the search for kittens since a visitor on campus was adamant that he had seen a cat with a striking white spot on their face that no one else had seen.


Robin was trapped in the same cage as Batman. They are still getting used to living with humans but they very much like always having food around. Never one to be on their own, they love to cuddle up with one of the other kittens in this batch and are never too busy to join in play time.


Slushie is the first of a batch of kittens that has been rescued in collaboration with some of the staff on campus. They see kittens in places and times that others don’t and are working with us to get them into homes. Like many of this new batch, Slushie started off very shy but some loving touch and a full belly does wonders to bring a kitten around. Slushie is a little fluff ball who loves to play, even if it means you have to sleep hard when the playtime is over.


We first spotted Jealousy hiding under a car with their momma shortly after we trapped their sibling, Ghost. That night we were able to catch them as well. Jealousy has never shown an ounce of fear of us and just melts into your arms purring while you hold them.


Ghost was found in the auto shop area hiding under a stack of scrap steel. Adorable, playful, and occasionally antisocial, Ghost and their bonded sibling, Jealousy, are an adorable pair of little fluffballs.


Bean was one of Taco’s kittens born in our house. One of the most people-focused cats we’ve ever had, Bean would come out and cry in the crate asking to be held. They also absolutely adored our dog Laika and would savor any chance to play with her on the couch. Like the other kittens in that litter (Ramen and Olive), Bean is afraid of nothing and certain that every household expects cats to be involved in all of the goings on.


Details to come


Details to come


When we trapped Taco, we already knew that there was virtually no chance that she could be rehabilitated into a housecat and that doing the right thing for her was to allow her to have her kittens in safety and then get her spayed and rereleased back into the colony. She also holds a special place in our heart because we’re fairly certain she’s the last litter mate of the two tortoise shells that we adopted as our own, Cookie and Phoebe.


Details to come


Details to come