

Dusk is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with their siblings at only ten days old. One of their siblings is also a little black kitten and we know one of the two is a boy but since they look so much alike we’re not sure which one! Dusk is the smaller of the two black siblings but that doesn’t stop them from going full-tilt when it’s playtime. Dusk is particularly fond of Persephone and is often seen snuggled in for a nice with their sister.


Felix is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with his siblings at only ten days old. He is one of the two siamese boys and is very outgoing. He loves to wrestle and is always eager to explore but also loves settling down for a good nap when the playing is done.


Gio is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with his siblings at only ten days old. He is one of the two siamese boys and like his brother is quite the adventurer. He was the first of the litter to venture out from the birthing bed and since then hasn’t stopped exploring! Like all of this litter, he’s also quite the attention bug and is always eager for some cuddles.


Inky is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with their siblings at only ten days old. One of their siblings is also a little black kitten and we know one of the two is a boy but since they look so much alike we’re not sure which one! Rambunctious and a talented climber, Inky takes playtime very seriously. They are very drawn to people and will stand there demanding some affection and the love to be carried around.


Persephone is one of PJ’s kittens and came to us with her siblings at only ten days old. She is the runt of the litter and an absolute sweetheart. A little shier than her bold siblings but still eager to play and very eager for human attention, Persephone is an absolute sweetheart and will be a perfect pet!