Chonkers is one of the auto shop kittens found in early September 2024. They were found with three litter mates right as they were emerging from their den and starting to explore the bigger world. Luckily we also caught their mom and were able to get her spayed and rereleased.
Since then, they’ve blossomed into the biggest of their litter and also the most independent. Always welcoming of affection, they tend to get annoyed if you take them away from play time… cuddles can wait! But on their own schedule, Chonkers will yell at you to come over and give them a snuggle.
This little fluffball has quickly become one of our favorites and is ready to find a forever home!
Chonkers is excellent with our other cats and isn’t at all scared of the dogs. They will paw at them as they walk by the crate and will walk right underneath them on the way to play time. Barking is okay, but other loud noises are sometimes a bit scary.