Spider Lily


Spider Lily was rescued from a small trailer park that was going to be demolished. He was found with his 3 siblings (two tabbies and one gray) and his mother (small, sweet, and all black) at approximately 8 weeks old. We have his mother with us now (she has been tested, vaccinated, and spayed - she’s also looking for a loving home).

spider-6.jpg Spider Lily has been with us for a few weeks now and is good with kids, dogs, and other cats. He loves to be held (but gets bored quickly so he likes for you to walk around with him). He purrs every time you get near him. He is curious and loves other animals - including our dogs (although he does not always love our puppy who barks way too much). He was the runt of his litter so he’s on the smaller side but has made excellent progress on his kitten belly. He adores his mom and he loves to play, cuddle, and eat with her.

He is a really sweet boy that would fit into almost any household.